1959年成立于法国的家乐福集团,已在全球拥有一万多家门店,每年有超过20亿人次的顾客光临,有420,000名员工为其服务。1995年家乐福成功登陆中国,现已在31个城市开设101家大卖场。为适应中国华东地区的迅速发展,我们已启动培养零售企业中级管理人才的ETP培训系统(Executive Training Program),培训对象为外招的综合素质突出的大学生,有相关工作经验的卖场管理人员及有潜力担任管理职位的内部员工。ETP学员通过专业的培训和严格的测评,将直接走向家乐福的管理岗位,并成为家乐福未来发展中的新生力量。在培训期间我们将提供优厚的薪资福利待遇。作为全球500强排名第二的零售连锁集团,家乐福诚邀您的加入!Because of the fast development in East of China, we have already launch ETP training system, all trainees are mainly from fresh university graduates, the managers with rich experience in retail and the employees who have the potential to be managers. ETP trainee will be the manager of Carrefour after receiving professional training and strict evaluation. We will provide attractive welfare package during training period. As the 2nd worldwide retailing groups, we are expecting you join us now!现诚聘以下职位: